The Office for International Affairs (AAI), linked to the office of the Rector of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), is empowered to promote UFBA academic and scientific relations in order to prospect, develop and implement cooperation agreements and inter-university projects and advise faculty, students, technical, and administrative bodies in their relations with institutions and international organizations.
Created in 1996, the AAI is concerned with the expansion of academic exchanges for the personal and professional enrichment of the UFBA community through contact with different academic practices and other cultural and linguistic realities, and promotes the appreciation and projection of UFBA courses abroad.
If you are a UFBA student (undergraduate or graduate) and wish to know about learning mobility possibilities, click here.
If you are a facuty member or technical/administrative staff at the Federal University of Bahia and wish to know about the possibilities of mobility for teachers or technical/administrative staff, click here.
If you are a foreign student wishing to study at the UFBA, click here.
If you want to know more about the AAI/UFBA, click here.